Is Brow Lamination Safe During Pregnancy? (Explained)

Is Brow Lamination Safe During Pregnancy? (Explained)

Brow lamination is a cosmetic procedure that involves applying a solution to the eyebrows to straighten and lift the hairs, creating a fuller and more defined look. The answer typically contains chemicals such as ammonium thioglycolate, hydrogen peroxide, and sodium bromate, which can potentially be harmful to both the mother and the fetus during pregnancy. … Read more

How Good Is Pantene For Your Hair

How Good Is Pantene For Your Hair

Summer comes to an end, and with it, the need to cut our hair usually comes, because we think we have mistreated and neglected it for those hours that we have been in the sun for countless reasons, but… what if they told you that is it possible to repair it? Yes, this becomes a … Read more